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Saturday 10 November 2012

My Dad Is Having An Affair With Our House Maid – What Do I Do?

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I got this story from a friend's blog, I couldnt help but share it:

Dear Readers,

I’m a 24- years-old girl, the only child my mother had for my father,  I lost my mom two years ago. We had a kind of young house maid when my mom was living and my mom always suspected that my dad was having an affair with her but I never came to my senses to believe her.

After my mom passed away, I began to notice that there really was something between my dad and this woman so I somehow managed to get her out of the house.

My problem is my dad still keeps on seeing her and he’s wasting all his earnings on her plus getting in to debt. My dad and I have had loads of fights as a result of this. He tells me that I shouldn’t interfere with his life and that our house maid will soon be my new mother.

What Can I Do to Stop This?!

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